The Crisis/Challenge of AI in 2025
“Many processes are repeatable and only data inputs change.”
“Many processes are repeatable and only data inputs change.”
The Day the Congress Stood Still On December 18, 2024, Elon Musk delivered on the social media site, 𝕏 the death knell of a 1500+ page so called Continuing Resolution that was to stave off a Federal Government shutdown. Later it was replaced with a much shorter (100+ page) bill that passed largely intact. This
Eagles Soar, others flock. Post the US election, it seems that many on the losing side are circling the wagons and pointing to the ‘other guy’ to blame for a series of political sins. Like fish in a school, the belief seems to be that the crowd provides an element of protection. But is this belief
“Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes.” — Verywellmind Typically, we associate this behavioral issue with individual humans. Yet, aren’t organization comprised of human beings? Well at least until the AI robots take over. There can be many issues causing individual and collective angst and some
“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” – Richard Feynman “I am the science.” You have got to be kidding me Mr. Fauci. Clearly, you have no training in the Scientific Method or maybe your just plan arrogant. Home many lives have you and you colleagues destroyed,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage but are these laudables premature? Is it in really Artificial Unintelligence (AU) or just latest manifestation of the 30+ year old Expert System and a passing fad? Recently, none the less than Google (parent Alphabet) suffered a $100 billion market setback when their AI strategy suffered a lack
Once Again Organizational Safety Cultures Have Failed. Why Does This Keep Happening? The controversial Normal Accident Theory suggests that in complex systems accidents are enviable. So it would seem with continued major disruptions in Critical Infrastructure Sectors. We have argued that this is not necessarily correct. Systemic Safety Culture Following the Deepwater Horizon incident in
According to Cambridge Dictionary the title term is defined as, Not real, or existing only in order to deceive people.” We live in a world when lies are tossed around with impunity. Politician lie, school boards withhold from parents and the news is decried as fake by both sides of the political isle. How does
In the just released NCHRP Research Report 1001/BTSCRP Research Report 2, a new framework provides government and non government parties and other stakeholders a tool for the assessment and risk management for emerging automated driving system (ADS) technologies. This Framework for Assessing Potential Safety Impacts of Automated Driving Systems reminds this reader with a sense
First it was Covid-19 and now a Recession? Is a Global Military Conflict on the Horizon as well? Social, economic and personal pressures continue to mount. There is already evidence of Reductions in Force, (RIF) aka layoffs are underway or planned. With consumers stretched to the max, higher interest rates, equity markets in retreat and
On October 8, 2021, we posted the blog, Welcome to the 70s–Again! The point that the awful economy of that decade could return. It seems that one year later, those comments have come true. Many are now freely comparing out contemporary time to that period before most adults were born. This Baby Boomer graduated from
“Yes, hope is a strange thing. Peace at last. But at what price?” — Khaled Hosseini Great Societies have been lost in the past–a number of times. There is no reason to believe our current crop is immune! Ariel Durant, the co-author of the 11 volume tome, The Story of Civilization is credited with, “A great
According to Investopedia, “Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments.” Definitions of the three components are pretty straightforward: Environmental–Generally refers to the stewardship of the planet and how organizations facilitate that responsibility. Social–Facilitating organizational responsibility to the global