Tag: situational awareness

Business Snake Detector

With a Big Smile and a hand stretched out, customers are greeted as if they are long lost cousins. Sound like the used car sales guy of the 1950″s?  Perhaps, but still fairly typical today in many cases.  So how does one assess the honesty of a business executive, sales representative, customer service or anyone

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And Just Like That!

Often attributed to the movie character, Forest Gump the title phrase can be interpreted as an abrupt change in one’s life. The past few years have brought significant changes to many of us.  Illness, job change, moving to a new location, kids out of school and so it goes.  Disruption can be intimidating, yet it

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Agility, Resiliency and Sustainability: Needed Now More than Ever

This pundit and his firm have long been proponents of building organizational cultures that provide firm the capability of adjusting to ‘events on the ground’ quickly with strong Situational Awareness.  Moreover, when adversity raises its ugly head, the response of a High Reliability Organization enables the resilience to adjust and go forward.  Finally, stakeholder value

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ESG Explained

According to Investopedia, “Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments.”  Definitions of the three components are pretty straightforward: Environmental–Generally refers to the stewardship of the planet and how organizations facilitate that responsibility. Social–Facilitating organizational responsibility to the global

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Are Your DEI Wheels Spinning?

Originally published as a LinkedIn article on July 6, 2021, this updated version is reprinted here with the permission of the author.  Links to relevant sources are added. Lately, many LinkedIn posts bemoan the state of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The seeming slow take up of great ideas. Some argue that DEI initiatives are no

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