Home for a While?


It appears that issues associated with the Covid-19 pandemic will remain for some time.  Hopefully, the emerging vaccines will be readily available in the coming months.  That said, one of the disruptive changes that may codify is Working from Home.

In our March 16, 2020 piece, Home Base During a Crisis: ‘get up, clean up and dress up’ we addressed some of the problems one uncovers when working from home during a crisis.  In that piece, we conjectured “Is this a paradigm shift or just a short-term inconvenience?  Reality; probably a bit of both.”

The virus and its propagation remain serious.  However, from the perspective of a new normal working remotely is becoming an accepted model.  Many organizations have announced long-term and even permanent distant working plans.

As we move from a short-term crisis to a ‘way of life,’ we must make changes as well.  The need for a daily structured process must become our approach to the job as does the need to find meaningful engagement with others.

As with other change models, new process should not just happen.  An attainable action plan must be put in place and followed.

Some Ideas

In no order, these thoughts might be helpful.

  • When we transitioned from school to our first ‘real’ job, changes in our daily life were perhaps dramatic. It is useful to think of this paradigm shift from that perspective.
  • One of the challenges faced by retirement is often the sudden stop in activities. Going from Business @ the Speed of Thought to “I wonder what I will do today” has literally killed many retirees at a very young age.

One way to make this a soft landing is a transition process.  Many I have known have taken new positions that were not as stressful prior to full retirement.  Try this approach when moving to 80+% working from home.

Another example; restaurants opening after Stay at Home orders were lifted started at 25% capacity and then to 50% and so on.  This allows staff to adopt policy and guidelines into their formal work process.

  • Think of this as a ‘Life Stage Transition.’ Marriage, birth of a child, divorce, moving, etc. lead to significant changes in our daily schedule.

An article in Psychology Today recounts “10 Ways to Make it Through Your Life’s Transitions.”  This is a good quick perusal and readers will see useful coping mechanisms (especially for those where a transition is unwanted).

Moreover, with school openings uncertain children as well as parents may learn from the points made herein.  Working from Home has good stages and not so good junctures.  Capitalize on the former.

What is Your Personal Business Model for Working from Home Permanently?

For More Information

Please note, RRI does not endorse or advocate the links to third-party materials.  They are provided for education and entertainment only.

For more information on Cross Cultural Engagement, check out our Cross Cultural Serious Game

We presented, Should Cross Cultural Serious Games Be Included in Your Diversity Program: Best Practices and Lessons Learned at the Online Conference, New Diversity Summit 2020 on April 9, 2020.  The summit will be offered again soon.  Check it Out!!

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