The Crisis/Challenge of AI in 2025
“Many processes are repeatable and only data inputs change.”
“Many processes are repeatable and only data inputs change.”
Burr! Its winter in the northern hemisphere and many shiver from the cold. The ‘Many’ include batteries. We have know for generations that cold weather negatively affects electrical batteries. So, it should come as no surprise that Electric Vehicles (EVs) performance can suffer greatly when the temperatures are extremely cold. This phenomenon is not limited
Henry Ford, the Founder of Ford Motor Company is famously attributed to this statement. “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” In other words, most of us think linearly. One wonders if this line of reasoning is the best way during the current situation. Perhaps, non-linear mindsets are
Are the emerging machines our friend or foe? The debut of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things IoT) and a host of others seem to be drowning us as we drink from a technological fire hose. Additionally, driverless vehicles, the Gig Economy et al. are conspiring to eliminate truck drivers and