Models and Checklists
Management Science at your Fingertips
Welcome to RRI’s Models and Checklists. For years, the firm has developed a set of economic and financial models supporting our practice. Additionally and especially for regulatory requirements such as the Safety and Environmental Management System (SEMS) for the Safety Culture we have used several ‘check list’ and ‘go by’ as well. Several are featured herein.
These tools are available for your use free of charge. Hopefully, they will help with some of your more vexing challenges.
For example, additional supporting materials included in our EVPM QuickStart Guide.
Due to their size and complexity, models and checklist are best viewed on a large screen.
More models and checklists are coming. Check back often.
Financial Models
Doing More with Less
Every manager is familiar with the demand to 'Do More with Less' in our increasingly complex world, blind obedience is not without significant risk. Asses your financial risk.
Complex Risk Assessment
The real world is very complex with many moving parts. It is often the case that the combination of a number of seemingly unrelated and in and of themselves potentially minor events can lead to catastrophe.
Supply & Demand
This is the classic Supply and Demand curve model that most studied in economics.
Risk Adjusted Customer Acquisition Cost Assessment
The customer acquisition process is no longer a simple straightforward decision. With low switching cost, there are inherent rislks.
Third Party Tools
These links are provided for convenience only. The Rapid Response Institute does not endorse or advocate for any organization or solution herein. Nor does it have a relationship with the firms. These tools are used at your own risk.
Free online calculator addressing finance, health, math and other computations.
Excel Formulas
500 Excel Examples -- a wide field of solutions.