Our Operational Excellence Platform is designed to enable organizations of all sizes to implement a high value, high impact solution built using an ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) set of standards that are actionable and measurable. As a platform, it enables clients to integrate existing work processes and enabling software without extensive and expensive upgrades and/or rework.
Beginning with our Process Assessment we develop a specific and unique solution tailored to the needs of each individual client. A secure Client Portal enables key personnel as well as Supply Chain ecosystem partners access to the data needed to drive specific and detailed processes.
Operational Excellence Implementation

We have developed and implemented a full set of OE processes documented herein. At the center or our OE model is Strong Bond Governance. Originally, put forth in 2014 in which direct and sustained interest in field operations by top management and even the board of directors is appropriate for critical infrastructure segments. Current verbiage, ESG stands for Environmental Social and Governance, and refers to the three key factors when measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a business or company. Additional information on our OE Governance Model is available.
Proof of Concept
Details of our Pilot OE Best Practices was published in 2017 provides a set of guidelines towards attaining & sustaining Operational Excellence. This roadmap is well defined with milestones as well as economic valuation models. It is proven and can be implemented immediately.

OMS Architecture
Consistent with other Information Technology process enablement models, OMS must have an architecture and governance model. The figure below depicts this and consists of two major components:
Core Foundation
Policy—Organizational Governance requirements
Standards—Industry Standard such as API and non-Industry such as ISO
Competency—Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) of the combined workforce as well as its state of Training
Tools—Whatever is required to perform job functions including hand tools, software and sensors, et al.
Process—High Level Business Process that maybe across functions, departments and even firms
Procedure—Subset of the overall process that is a series of steps to accomplish good practices
Relationship—As stated herein, 3rd parties perform most of the work in the field. There is a relationship between the operator and contractor as well between contractor and subcontractors.
Task—is the Job to be performed at the worksite such as repair a pump, drill a well or SEMS Audit
Sub Task—those major components of a Task

Operational Excellence Maturity
As part of and OE assessment process, RRI addresses three maturity models in addition to the governance model:
- Asset Maturity–Business Case for investment include soft benefits such as safety, productivity enhancements, etc.
- Safety Culture–Effectiveness of Systemic Safety for the organization and its ecosystem
- Process Assessment–Level of standardization and sophistication of business and technical enabling processes.
Let's Get Started
For a free no obligation preliminary assessment of your OE Maturity and identification of Next Steps.