It’s the Economics Stupid!

Since it was first uttered in the early 1990s, the phrase “It’s the economy stupid” has been used and misused extensively.  Let’s squander the lexicon one more time. The US ‘silly’ political season is well underway and forecast to last almost 13 more months—no telling what voodoo economics will emerge.  Those of us with our

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In Defense of Humans—Machines Are Not Ready Yet

I recently submitted an internal organizational document that was spellchecked in addition to my review; several times.  One sentence where there the intent was to say, “that which is …” was change to “that witch is …” Did I type it wrong or did ‘auto correct’ take over the decision process?  In any event spellcheck

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Culture Matters A Lot! Cultural Interactions Matter MORE!!

“Failures of culture have been the single biggest destroyers of value in the last five years,” states the former senior vice president of HR of Google in a recent article.  This revelation by one of the contemporary tech giants supports the previous dictum, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”  Depending on one’s perspective, this latter quote

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Chain of Custody: Is Your Management System Ready?

“This eliminates the possibility for human error.”  This is an actual quote taken from one of the many blockchain ‘credible’ websites readily available—citation withheld to protect the guilty.    And, the Titanic was unsinkable! From another credible sources, “Is blockchain secure for my business?  Simply put, it can be.  But, not by just turning the key.

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Man—Machine: Extension or Versus?

Are the emerging machines our friend or foe?  The debut of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things IoT) and a host of others seem to be drowning us as we drink from a technological fire hose.  Additionally, driverless vehicles, the Gig Economy et al. are conspiring to eliminate truck drivers and

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Zero: What If Switching Costs are Near?

Customer Acquisition and Retention (CAR) are two of the most important activities of the Marketing and Sales strategies and should be KPIs for “C” suite occupants as well.  One of the classic case studies of the battle over CAR is the so-called Cola Wars initiated between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola in the 1970s.   These

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Aging Success: Never Give Up!

We live in a youth culture.  As young Baby Boomers, we were going to change the world.  Later other Gens would say the same.  Is it now too late for those over 50 to attain entrepreneurial success? A serial (often failed) entrepreneur, (Kentucky) Colonel Harland Sanders sold his first franchised secret receipt for “Kentucky Fired

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Your Career at the Speed of Light: Or Faster?

As a physics student in the 1960s, I and others became fascinate by the hypothetical particle that travels faster than the speed of light; the Tachyon.  Then and to date, this particle/theory has not been found/proven.  Conventional wisdom remains that traveling faster than the speed of light is not possible.  Sorry Star Trek. Moving on,

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Houston . . .

“The Eagle has landed,” and fifty years ago mankind had accomplished the heretofore seemingly impossible.  Two men on the moon became a game changer and not in just the way most believe. Yes, technology advancement owes much to these early space pioneers traceable to the 1950s; realistically a long process going back much further.  Aerospace

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Oil: In the DNA of the Silicon Valley

When discussing the likelihood of DNA in crude oil, one source comments, “So the DNA they are talking about is like the DNA, where they’re looking at the live bacteria in the crude oil, which would be descendants of the bacteria that was around when the oil first began its degradation from organic material.” Time

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Celebrate Your Independence: Taking Charge of Your Career

Today, my country celebrates its 243rd birthday.  Many observe the day with family and friends and enjoy fireworks.  Consumption of hamburgers and hot dogs will most likely be huge. No one in the United States is still alive from the time when the colonists rowdily left Great Britain.  Moreover, the United Kingdom is one of

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Brand Your Digital Oilfield Culture: Internalize Its Transformation

Our recent article, “The Digital Oilfield Culture: Transformation Value for the Organizational Ecosystem” (pp.24-26) takes a somewhat different change management approach.  Why not brand your digital oilfield culture? Most consumers are familiar with the so-called ‘Brand Name.’  These are names so ubiquitous that in some cases that we take them for granted.  Soft drinks, beer,

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Home Improvement Case Study: What’s the Value Proposition of Service Providers and Why Does It Matter to My Business?

This blog is focused on business issues and not retail services such as home repair/upgrade.  However, in recent months this writer has been in numerous discussions regarding the development and presentation to customers of a Value Proposition. This is an ongoing issue for each organization, product, service and other processes whereby an organization seeks to

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Systemic Reasoning Errors: Stink’en Think’en

The April 13-14, 2019 edition of the Wall Street Journal featured an opinion piece by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., Russiagate and the Media’s News Denial.  The author makes the point, “Judgement is teachable.  Long ago, in relation to the Enron debacle, I pointed to the work of Harvard’s Max Bazerman and Northwestern’s David Messick, who

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Elevator: Going Up or Going Down?

True Story!  A couple of decades ago when I was the sales manager of a technology line of business that was part of a much larger organization, an excited young sales representative rushed into my office.  He just had to tell me that he just rode up the elevator and an older gentleman wearing a

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Event Horizon: Towards Singularity

This month a group of astronomers announced they had captured the first image of a black hole, some 55 million light years from earth.  A novel use of high-performance computing enabled this imaging and seems to hold promise for future commercial applications. Moreover, there is a great deal of discussion and hope that astronauts will

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I Hate These Things: Why Does This Always Happen to Me?

We have long argued that people will change if they understand the new idea/technology value proposition—what’s in it for me?  For some, this question is more difficult to answer than others. Moreover, we are all stuck!  This age of digitalization may pass a few ‘off the grid’ hermits by, but for the rest of us

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You Have 10 Minutes: Maybe

Over the past couple of weeks this writer has been part of several conversations regarding the value proposition of technology for established as well as startup companies and how to articulate it. This remains a tough subject and we have been addressing it over the years.  However, there is an approach that is successful when

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The Old Order Changeth . . . Knowledge Delivery 21st Century Style

My apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson.  The long forecast “Big Crew Change” is well underway and may in fact already be (mostly) over.  Many “Baby Boomers” have left the building and the rest will follow shortly. For years, this pundit has heard the lament about how to capture their knowledge before they hit the golf

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Operational Complexity: Risk Model Insufficiency

Most readers will be familiar with the above linear Risk Matrix Model.  This graphical representation of risk exposure is useful but strict adherence to it can lead to a false sense of security. Systemic Risk Management The real world is very complex with many moving parts.  The potential interaction of processes, events and other challenges

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Decision Making in the Digitalization Age: Who Decides?

“Ergonomics (or Human Factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.” According to Gartner, “Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a

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Fleeting Success: In Pursuit of Sustainability

Winston Churchill is credited with saying, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”  The late Prime Minister nailed it; once again! Our journey through life, including our career is a marathon not a sprint.  While we celebrate success, often at happy hour or a party, we

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Three Years—Ten Months: How did they do it?

The United States officially entered World War II on December 8, 1941.  The war in the Pacific formally ended on September 2, 1945. A recent documentary on one of the history channels chronicled the path the United States took from a nation with an underdeveloped military to global dominance over this period.  What struck this

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Beat the Market: Can Operational Excellence Increase EPS?

In a recent Houston Chronicle article, its author puts forth the premise that while oil and gas companies should do well in the stock market this year, don’t expect the energy services sector to fare as well.  As those who are either in the sector or track it (stock analysts) know all to well that

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Bull or Bear: Is there gold in them there markets?

Are we on the verge of another California gold rush, boom market or depression?  No one knows.  What is certain; risk mitigation must be central to any business model. This year may be especially challenging for the oil industry.  Recently, conventional wisdom is downgrading average crude oil prices for 2019.  Reasons include a plentiful supply

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Mission Accomplished: Santa Completes Another Worldwide Transit—Incident Free!

Every December 24th, this jolly ole elf embarks on one more global initiative.  We know this to be true because each year since 1955, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD and its predecessor the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Operations Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado have tracked his operation– We are happy to report

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Millennials Take On Our Increasingly Complex World

Originally published in 2013. On January 1st at 0348 hours a young engineer employed by a service company is trying to address a problem she has encountered with a compressor on a drilling rig in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico.  She graduated from college three years ago and went to work for a large energy

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